- Jackson, Michigan mile post 0.0 elev. 939 ft. (LS&MS Junction)
- C.N. used the LS&MS freight and passenger stations. All yards, turntables etc. used in Jackson were owned by the LS&MS. C.N. used 1 mile of LS&MS main track.
- Water came from a driven well. A steam pump was used to fill a 56,000 gallon tank. Track scales; 40 ton 34 ft. long.
- Bridges; four trestles, from 59 ft. to 174 ft.
- Livestock facilities; 6 car double deck loading capacity water and feed
- Industries (circa 1950) auto parts, hydraulic fittings forklifts, boilers, tires, women’s garments, agricultural seed, machinery, electric components.
2. Ackerson Lake, Michigan, mile post 5.5 elev. 986 ft.
- Siding, 72 car cap. 920 ft.
3. Gravel Pit, Michigan
- Siding, 1259 ft.
4. Clarks Lake, Michigan mile post 9.1
Frame freight and passenger station.
Siding, 12 car cap. 1270 ft.
CN structure privy
Water came from Willow Lake. Steam pump used to fill 56,000 capacity tank.
5. Cement City, Michigan mile post 12.9
No station (1897)
Junction with NYC.
90 car cap. yard.
Livestock facilities; double deck livestock loading.
Industry; The Peninsular Portland Cement Co (no longer exists)
6. Woodstock, Michigan mile post 17.4
Spur 405 ft.
Single span plate 1 through girder bridge 59 ft. long
7. Addison Junction mile post 18.8 (Devil’s Lake)
- Separate frame freight and passenger stations.
- Interchange with NYC
- Spur 435 ft.
- Devil’s Lake Siding 968 ft.
- Ice track 766 ft.
- Devil’s Lake elevator spur 285 ft.
- South siding (NYC interchange) 2697 ft. ]
- North siding (NYC interchange) 1806 ft.
- Addison elevator siding 998 ft.
- Turntable spur 180 ft. 55 ft. wood turntable, earth curb
- Coal dock track 595 ft.
- Crossover 380 ft.
- Crossover, west end 134 ft.
- CN structures all frame; privy, car repair house, sand house, ice house, hand car house, unloading dock,6 ton, 8 x 14 ft. livestock scale. Water came from Devil’s Lake, steam pump, 16 x 24 ft., 56,000 gallon cap. tank.
8. Manitou Beach, Michigan mile post 20.8 elev. 1076 ft.
Manitou Beach was an excursion destination and was owned by the railroad.
- Frame freight and passenger station and 30 x 100 passenger shed.
- Siding 1860 ft., 60 car capacity, small yards.
- Frame privy
9. Rollin, Michigan mile post 24.9 elev. 983 ft.
- Frame freight and passenger station.
- Siding 1613 ft. 15 car cap.
- Spur 462 ft.
- 4 trestles, shortest 88 ft. longest 184 ft.
10. Hudson, Michigan mile post 29.9 elev. 950 ft.
- Frame freight and passenger station.
- Spurs;
- Water works 535 ft.
- Foundry 235 ft.
- House 571 ft.
- Stock pens 524 ft.
- Bean Chamberlain 368 ft.
- Siding 146 ft.
- Water came from the city water works.
- 5 ton, 8 x 14 ft. livestock scale
- Single car, double deck livestock loading, feed facilities
- Plate deck bridge over LS&MS 26 ft. long one bridge type and length unknown, 17 ft. 10 in. overhead clearance, 16 ft. 3 in. wide.
11. Gravel Pit, Michigan
- Single siding 560 ft.
12. Prattville, Michigan mile post 35.7 elev. 937 ft.
- Frame freight and passenger station.
- Siding 2108 ft.
- 3 ton, 7 x 14 ft. livestock scales.
- 3 car capacity, double deck livestock loading facilities feeding facilities.
13. Waldron, Michigan mile post 39.5 elev. 903 ft.
- Frame freight and passenger station.
- Siding 1451 ft.
- Spur 287 ft.
- 3 car capacity, double deck live stock loading facility.
14. Alvordton, Ohio mile post 43.3
- Frame freight and passenger station.
- North siding 1287 ft.
- South siding 823 ft.
- Mill spur 1318 ft.
- 1 of the Wabash transfer track 291 ft.
- CN structures; hand car house.
- 3 wood trestles, 1 bridge, length unknown, 17 ft. 10 over head clearance, 16 ft. 3 in wide.
- Interlocking with Wabash RR.
15. West Unity, Ohio mile post 49.0 elev. 803 ft.
- Frame freight and passenger station.
- Siding 2344 ft. 42 car capacity
- Factory spur 863 ft.
- Water came from 12 x 22 ft. stone crib well, steam power, 16 x 20 ft. tank, 38,000 gallon capacity.
- CN structures; privy, coal house.
- 6 ton, 8 x 14 ft. livestock scale.
- 10 car capacity, double deck livestock loading.
- Crossed LS&MS (later Wabash RR).
16. Pulaski, Ohio mile post 55.9 elev. 764 ft.
- Frame freight and passenger station.
- Siding 1213 ft.
17. Bryan, Ohio mile post 59.5 elev. 751 ft.
- Frame freight and passenger station.
- West siding 1299 ft.
- East siding 1122 ft.
- Water works spur 390 ft.
- Coal dock siding 924 ft.
- LS&MS transfer 535 ft. interlocking w/ LS&MS.
- CN structures; hand car house, car repair house, privy, unloading dock.
- Water source, 2 inch flowing well 85 ft. deep, steam power 16 x 24 tank, 56,000 gallon capacity.
- 5 ton 7 x 14 ft. livestock scale
- Single car capacity double deck livestock loading
- 50 ft., 80 ton track scale.
18. Ney, Ohio mile post 65.4
- Frame freight and passenger station.
- Spur 490 ft.
- Siding 500 ft.
- 3 ton 7 x 14 ft. livestock scale
- 3 car capacity, double deck livestock loading, water.
19.Moats, (Drake) Ohio mile post 68.8
- No station
- Siding 1062 ft., 15 car capacity
20. Sherwood, Ohio mile post 72.5
- Separate freight and passenger stations. Joint ownership with the B&O RR.
- South siding 1564 ft.
- North siding 1177 ft.
- Factory spur 907 ft.
- B&O transfer 388 ft.
- CN structures; hand car house, privy
- 3 span Pratt through truss bridge at the Maumee River, 384 ft. 19 ft. 10 in. overhead clearance, 14 ft. wide.
- Water servicing at the Maumee River. Steam powered pump 16 x 24 ft., 56,000 gallon tank.
21. Cecil, Ohio mile post 78.8 elev. 730 ft.
- Frame freight and passenger station
- Siding 2084 ft., 40 car capacity.
- Spur 315 ft.
- Wabash transfer track 511 ft.
- CN structures hand car house, privy
- 2 wood trestles, 12 ft., 14 ft.
- 2 car capacity double deck livestock loading, feeding facilities.
22. Holcomb Spur mile post 83.3
- Spur 640 ft. Now La Farge Cement serviced from Cecil.
23. Paulding, Ohio mile post 84.3
- Frame freight and passenger station.
- Siding 2296 ft.
- Elevator siding 521 ft.
- House spur 2028 ft.
- Lime spur 436 ft.
- Factory spur 488 ft.
- Flour mill spur 715 ft.
- CN structures hand car house, coal house, privy g. 40 ft., 80 ton capacity track scale.
24. Latty, Ohio mile post 87.9
- Frame freight and passenger station.
- North siding 1104 ft.
- South siding 1741 ft.
- Spur 400 ft.
- NYC&St. L north transfer 317 ft.
- NYC&St. L south transfer 412 ft.
- CN structures car repair house, oil house
- 1 wood trestle, 198 ft. long
25. Dague, Ohio
- Spur 356 ft.
26. Folmer, Ohio
- Spur 602 ft.
- Wood trestle 127 ft. long
27.Haviland, Ohio mile post 92.5
- Spur #1 330 ft.
- Spur #2 312 ft. 40 car capacity
- F.FtW&W transfer 225 ft.
- CN structure; privy
- 3 ton 7 x 14 ft. livestock scale
28. Scott, Ohio mile post 94.5
- Frame freight and passenger station
- Siding 1676 ft.
- Factory spur 818 ft.
- Elevator spur 167 ft.
- Wood trestle 134 ft. long
- 5 ton 8 x 14 livestock scale
- Single car, double deck livestock loading
29. Blacks, Ohio mile post
- Siding 634 ft.
30. Cavett, Ohio mile post 98.0
- Frame freight and passenger station
- Siding 1331 ft.
- CN structures; •privy, coal house
- 2 wood trest1e5, 42 ft. 48 ft.
- 5 ton 8 x 14 ft. livestock scales
- 3 car capacity, double deck livestock loading facilities.
31. Van Wert, Ohio mile post 103.3 elev. 784 ft. Cincinnati Northern general offices, division point.
- Frame passenger station with general offices on second floor. Frame freight station (18 x 100 ft.
- Stock track 705 ft.
- Ice track 240 ft.
- Farnam’s track 439 ft.
- House track 513 ft.
- Team track 795 ft.
- Oil well #1 track 739 ft.
- Oil well #2 track 770 ft.
- #7 north track 1293 ft.
- #8 north track 1092 ft.
- #1 west track 2637 ft.
- #2 west track 2764 ft.
- #3 west track 1099 ft.
- #4 west track 1064 ft.
- #5 west track 958 ft.
- #6 west track 846 ft.
- #7 west track 756 ft.
- #8 west ladder track 942 ft.
- Main round house and #5 track 1132 ft.
- track 249 ft.
- #1 round house track 293 ft.
- #2 round house track 137 ft.
- #3 round house track 136 ft.
- #4 round house track 149 ft.
- #6 round house
- Wheel track 150 ft.
- #1 shop track 422 ft.
- #2 shop track 407 ft.
- #3 shop track 341 ft.
- Coal track 329 ft.
- Sand house track 666 ft.
- Lumber track 368 ft.
- #1 repair track 500 ft.
- #2 repair track 613 ft.
- Crossover #1 to #2 147 ft.
- Track over scales 178 ft.
- PFW&C transfer track 247 ft.
- CN brick structures; 6 stall roundhouse, machine shop, wood shop, car repair shop, blacksmith shop, boiler room
- CN frame structures; office and store houses, oil house, casting shed, iron supply shed, hand car house, sand house, shop privy
- 62 ft. wrought iron turntable with stone curbing.
- Water came from creek to city water works. Steam pump served a 16 x 24 ft., 56,000 gallon tank. 8 inch water column.
- 6 ton livestock scales 8 x 14 ft.
- 5 car capacity double deck livestock loading with water and feed.
- 4 wood trestles, shortest 57 ft. longest 96 ft.
- Industry; hydraulic components, foam rubber products, several grain elevators, turkey processing, oil seals tool box manufacturing, farm supply sales, clothing manufacturing, machine tools, injection molding, screw manufacturing.
32. Ohio City, Ohio mile post 110.6 elev. 925 ft.
- Separate frame freight and passenger stations, jointly owned with the C&E and KC railroads.
- Siding 1380 ft.
- Spur 398 ft.
- KC transfer track 395 ft.
- C&E transfer track 355 ft.
- CN structures; hand car house, privy
- 5 ton, 8 x 14 ft. livestock scale
- 2 car capacity double deck livestock loading
- 2 wood trestles, 30 and 84 ft.
- Industry; auto trim, lumber and coal, grain elevator
33. Shaffers, Ohio mile post 113.5
- Whistle stop, no facilities.
34. Rockford, Ohio mile post 116.3
- Frame freight and passenger station.
- West siding 1419 ft.
- East siding 920 ft.
- Spur 961 ft.
- CN structures; hand car house, privy
- Water came from St. Mary’s River, steam pump service a 16 x 24 ft., 56,000 gallon tank.
- 11 ton 8 x 14 ft. livestock scales
- 5 car capacity double deck livestock loading
- 2 wood trestles, 103 ft. and 338 ft. (over St. Mary’s River)
- Industry; grain elevator, bulk oil, cannery, household cleaning equipment manufacturing
35. Tama, Ohio mile post 120.5
- Frame freight and passenger station.
- Siding 1622 ft. 30 car capacity
36. Celina, Ohio mile post 126.9 elev. 878 ft.
- Frame freight and passenger station.
- West siding 1386 ft. 70 car capacity
- East siding 991 ft.
- South lumber yard spur 640 ft.
- North lumber yard spur 480 ft.
- Adams lumber yard spur 400 ft.
- CH&D transfer track 302 ft.
- CN structures, hand car house, car repair house, unloading dock, privy Water came from Beaver Creek, steam pump serviced a 16 x 24 ft. 56,000 gallon tank.
- 5 ton, 8 x 14 ft. livestock scale
- 5 car capacity double deck livestock loading facility, water
- Industry; rumored pickle plant, stock yards, grain elevator, farm equipment supply, metal castings, conveyor manufacturing, pallets, trailers, Huffy Bikes canning, warehousing, printing, metal fabrication, limestone quarry, hydraulic equipment manufacturing, furniture manufacturing, creamery, lumber and coal yards, bulk oil.
37. Coldwater, Ohio mile post 132.4
- Frame freight and passenger station
- West siding 1480 ft. 50 car capacity
- East siding 903 ft.
- LE&W transfer track 244 ft.
- CN structures; hand car house, coal house
- 2, 5 ton 8 x 14 ft. livestock scales
- 3 car double deck livestock loading facility, water
- Industry; egg processing, grain elevator, farm supplies manufacturing, lumber, metal fabrication, plastics, rice cakes, clothing manufacturing.
38. Philothea, Ohio
- Frame freight and passenger station.
39. St. Henry, Ohio mile post 137.0 elev. 987 ft.
- Frame freight and passenger station
- Siding 2170 ft. 6 car storage
- CN structure; hand car house
- 9 ft. open wood culvert
- 7 car capacity double deck livestock loading facility
40. Gilberts (Burketsville), Ohio mile post 141.5
- Frame freight and passenger station
- Siding #1 1313 ft.
- Siding #2 279 ft.
- CN structure; hand car house
- 2 car capacity double deck livestock loading facility, water
- Bridge, 60 ft. wood Howe truss, 1 through truss over Wabash River (temporary)
41. New Weston, Ohio mile post 142.5
- Frame freight and passenger station
- Spur 891 ft. 35 car capacity
- 5 ton 8 x 14 ft. livestock scales
- 2 car capacity double deck livestock loading facility, water
42. Rossville, Ohio mile post 146.5
- Frame freight and passenger station
- Siding 1501 ft. 25 car capacity
- 5 ton 8 x 14 ft. livestock scale
- Bridges; wood truss girder 25 ft. long over highway,
- 2 trestles, 447 ft. and 455 ft., deck bridge over Wabash River length unknown.
- 2 car capacity double deck livestock loading facility, water
43. Ansonia, Ohio mile post 151.3 elev. 1010 ft.
- Frame freight and passenger station
- CCC&St. L transfer track 628 ft.
- CN structure; had car house
- Water from Stillwater Creek, steam pump served 16 x 30 ft., 85,000 gallon tank
- 4 ton 8 x 14 livestock scale
- 2 wood trestles, 27 and 28 ft.
- 3 steel girder bridges over creeks, 2 were 60 ft. long, 1 was 50 ft.
- Interlocking with CCC&St. L
- 6 car capacity double deck livestock loading
44. Meekers, Ohio mile post 154.1
- Station owned by Penn. RR.
- Siding 2106 ft.
- PCC&St. L transfer track 640 ft.
45. Dayton and Union Crossing, Ohio mile post 158.6
- Frame freight and passenger station
- CN structure; car repair house
46. Greenville, Ohio mile post 159.3 elev. 1021 ft.
- Frame freight and passenger station
- D & U transfer track 813 ft.
- Passing track 705 ft.
- Freight house tracks 585 ft., 755 ft.
- Tile factory tracks 124 ft. 1035 ft.
- Turntable track 210 ft.
- Coal dock track 300 ft.
- CN structures; hand car house, coal house, coal dock house, privy
- 55 ft. wood turntable with wood curbing
- 2 wood truss bridges, single span over two streams, 120 ft. and 60 ft.
- 5 wood trestles, shortest 29 ft. longest 515 ft.
- Industry; glass, air filters, auto components, medical equipment, commercial cloth, grain elevator, R.V. refrigeration units, plastics, metal pails
47. Fort Jefferson, Ohio mile post 164.5
- No station
- Siding 1293 ft.
- Loading track 225 ft.
- Gravel Pit storage 1450 ft.
- Cripple track 1811 ft. 200 car capacity yard
- Water came from Spring Branch, steam pumps serviced a 16 x 24 ft. 56,000 gallon tank
- Industry; gravel pit
48. Savona, Ohio mile post 167.5
- Frame freight and passenger station
- Siding 1614 ft. 30 car capacity
- CCC&St.L north transfer track 525 ft.
- CCC&St.L south transfer track 795 ft.
- CN structures; hand car house, privy
- 4 ton 8 x 14 ft. livestock scales
49. Castine, Ohio mile post 171.8
- Frame freight and passenger station
- Siding 994 ft.
- 4 ton 8 x 14 ft. livestock scales
- 3 car capacity double deck livestock loading facility, water
- Bridges; 4 wood trestles, 84, 36, 71, and 46 ft.
50. West Manchester, Ohio mile post 173.9 elev. 1095 ft.
- Frame freight and passenger station
- Siding 787 ft. 15 car capacity
- Mill spur 447 ft.
- PCC&St. L transfer track 650 ft.
- CN structure; hand car house, privy
51. Lewisburg, Ohio mile post 179.8
- Frame freight and passenger station
- West siding 1662 ft.
- Crossover track 167 ft.
- Quarry Branch 847 ft. 1.16 miles total
- Wilson spur #1 150 ft.
- Wilson spur #2 340 ft.
- Engine house spur 223 ft. engine capacity unknown Water came from a well 6 x 24 ft., stone curbing, steam pump served a 15 x 24 ft. 53,000 gallon tank.
- 3 steel I beam with wood stringers, all 14 ft long single span, stone abutments used to let cattle pass.
- One 526 ft. wood trestle.
- 4 ton 8 x 14 ft. livestock scale
- 2 car capacity double deck livestock loading facility, water
- 50 ft. 100 ton scale
52. Stone Siding, Ohio mile post 181.8
- Siding, length unknown 10 car capacity
53. Lexington, Ohio
- Spur 476 ft.
- Wood trestle 194 ft.
54. West Alexandria, Ohio mile post 187.0 elev. 883 ft.
- Frame freight and passenger station
- Siding 1737 ft.
- West spur 1130 ft. 25 car capacity
- East spur 271 ft.
- Tobacco warehouse track 315 ft.
- CN structures; hand car house, coal house, residence (16 x 30 ft.)
- Water came from Twin Creek, steam pump served a 16 x 24 ft., 56,000 gallon tank
- 5 ton 8 x 14 ft. livestock scales
- 2 car capacity double deck livestock loading facility, water
- 3 steel I beam with wood stringers, 14 ft. long to let cattle pass.
- 2 span wood truss bridge,
- Howe deck bridge, 200 ft. long over Big Twin Creek, 17 ft. 9 in. head clearance, 14 ft. wide south of town.
- 42 ft. wood trestle, stone arch 10 ft. span 60 ft. face to face constructed of rubble from the Lewisburg Quarry.
55. Ingomar, Ohio mile post 189.7
- Frame freight only station
- Spur 370 ft. 50 car capacity
- Siding 1357 ft.
- Livestock loading chute only
- Bridges; 4 wood trestles, shortest 44 ft. longest 397 ft.
56. Farmersville, Ohio mile post 194.2
- Frame freight and passenger station
- Siding 1488 ft. 25 car capacity
- Lumber yard spur 270 ft.
- CN structure; hand car house
- 2 car double deck livestock loading facility, feed
- single span wood Howe truss 200 ft. long
- 2 wood trestles, 33 ft., 57 ft.
57. Germantown, Ohio mile post 199.6 elev. 718 ft.
- Separate freight and passenger stations.
- Siding 1238 ft. 80 car capacity
- House track 542 ft.
- Mill track 259 ft.
- Warehouse track 379 ft.
- Coal yard track 319 ft.
- New Bert track 630 ft.
- Mud Lick Branch 9697 ft. (to Rohrer’s Distillery)
- Mud Lick spur 225 ft.
- CN structures; hand car house, privy
- 2 car capacity double deck livestock loading facility
- 2 span, 300 ft. Pratt through truss bridge,
- 2 span Howe through truss wood bridge north of town.
- Industry; (1998) Dupps process machinery manufacturing
58. Wiggims, Ohio mile post 201.3
- Track scales 50 ft. long 150 ton capacity
59. Carlisle and Carlisle Junction, Ohio mile post 203.6 elev. 692 ft.
- Frame freight and passenger station
- Siding 1788 ft. 33 car capacity
- CH&D transfer track 950 ft.
60. Park, Ohio
- Siding 1358 ft.
- Turntable spur 586 ft. no engine house
- Cinder spur 322 ft.
- CN structures; ice house, car repair house, privy, wood turntable with wood curbing
- Water from a well 10 x 16 ft. steam pump serviced a 14 x 16 ft. 49,000 gallon tank
61. Franklin, Ohio mile post 205.4 elev. 684 ft.
- Frame freight and passenger station
- House track 913 ft.
- Eagle track 555 ft.
- Eagle coal track 510 ft.
- Livestock loading chute only
- 3 span Pratt through truss 449 ft. long with single span plate
- girder bridge 56 ft. long at north(west) end over Miami and Erie Canal.
62. CCC&St. L Junction mile post 206.2
- Spur 192 ft.
END OF TRACK compiled March 1998 first revision April 1998
- Jackson
- Auto parts
- Hydraulic fittings
- Forklifts
- Boiler works
- Tires
- Farm seed
- Industrial machinery
- Drop forged parts Foundry
- Electronic components
- Televisions
- Precision auto parts
- Automotive mufflers
- Lawn maint. equip.
- Women’s foundation garments
- Livestock
- Peninsular Cement Co.
- Automotive engine parts
- Livestock
- Ohio Art
- Livestock
- Paulding Sugar Co.
- Stokley cannery
- LaFarge Cement
- Foam rubber products
- Hydraulic components
- Farm supplies
- Grain elevator
- Food processing
- Livestock
- Oil seals
- Tool box mfg.
- Farm equipment
- Dry goods mfg.
- Fibre drums
- Cardboard boxes
- Automotive controls
- Sanitary napkins
- Injection molding
- Pallets
- Screw mfg.
- Livestock
- Grain elevator
- Auto interior trim
- R.V. holding tanks
- Coal
- Lumber
- Agricultural limestone
- Retail lumber
- Grain elevator
- Fiberglass
- Bulk oil
- Livestock
- Household cleaning supply mfg.
- Tomato cannery
36. TAMA
- Livestock
- Grain elevator
- Stock yards
- Grain elevator
- Farm supplies
- Metal castings
- Farm equipment supply
- Conveyer mfg.
- Pallets
- Trailer mfg.
- Huffy bikes (closed 1997)
- Food canning
- Warehousing
- Business forms printing
- Metal Fabrication
- Limestone quarry
- Hydraulic components
- Two furniture factories
- Business forms printing
- Four canneries (includes pickle plant on south side of town)
- Grain elevator
- Creamery
- Lumber, coal yards
- Bulk oil
- Egg processing
- Grain elevator
- Farm supplies
- Retail lumber
- Steel supplies
- Plastics
- Farm equip. mfg.
- Rice cakes
- Dry goods mfg.
- Bulk fuel oil
- Machine tools
- Tire retreading
- Metal can mfg.
- Furniture hardware mfg.
- Livestock
- Heavy bldg. construction.
- Retail lumber
- Food Processing (turkey)
- Machine tools Rough cut lumber
- Pallets
- Finished lumber
- Livestock
- Cannery
- Grain elevator
- Livestock
- Farm supplies
- Grain elevator
- Farm supplies
- Livestock
- Grain elevator
- Farm Supplies
- Livestock
- Glass mfg.
- Sand and gravel
- Grain elevator
- Livestock
- Grain elevator
- Farm supplies
- Livestock
- Grain elevator
- Tobacco
- Livestock
- Cardboard boxes
- Limestone quarry
- Grain elevator
- Pet food
- Farm supplies
- Livestock
- Grain elevator
- Warehousing
- Tobacco
- Distillery
- Paper mfg. machinery
- Livestock
- Grain elevator
- Sand and gravel
- Grain elevator
- Sand and gravel
- Paper manufacturing
- Roof shingles
- Farm Supplies
- Warehousing