Just interesting Railroad photos. My current projects have taken me away from RR history for a while. But, I still continue to collect a lot of interesting photos. So…we’ll do another look at just plain interesting photos. First, some bridges: This Illinois Central drawbridge in Galena, Illinois first caught my attention. It spans the Galena …
Continue reading Kevin’s Komments 02/02/2025
Kevin’s Komments 12/11/2024
I have to share some great railroad Christmas pics. As become a tradition at the holidays, I have to share some great railroad Christmas pics. This year, I decided to try and concentrate on the stations rather than the trains. But…distractions! Right off the start, I saw this pic (which is not a station!). Besides …
Continue reading Kevin’s Komments 12/11/2024
Kevin’s Komments 11/19/2024
Billboard Reefers We’ve covered this topic a couple times, however, Pinterest has decided that I like billboard reefers and hence has sent a slew of pics! Quick review: Billboard reefers were essentially banned in 1937. (Check out this link from Model Railroader for a great explanation of what and why: https://www.trains.com/mrr/beginners/ask-trains/billboard-reefer-cars-outlawed/ ) A few of …
Continue reading Kevin’s Komments 11/19/2024
Kevin’s Komments 11/01/2024
Locomotive Classes Danny mentioned several weeks ago that he was often confused about locomotive classes. His comment was that he understood the Whyte designation (4-4-0, 2-8-2, 4-6-2,…), but when classes were mentioned, he was at a loss to picture the locomotive. That’s okay! Class designations were specific to the individual railroads. So unless you study …
Continue reading Kevin’s Komments 11/01/2024
Kevin’s Komments 10/10/2024
Cincinnati Northern Steam Kurt asked recently that if we were to acquire some additional steam locos for the club, what would we look for? The question isn’t easily answered until you identify era. The CNor ran its last steam in 1956. So the early ‘50s would have seen a mix of first generation diesels and …
Continue reading Kevin’s Komments 10/10/2024
Kevin’s Komments 09/27/2024
The Big Four (CCC&StL RR) in Cincinnati Going home from a club meeting a couple weeks ago, George and I discussed the difficulty of finding information on the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis RR (CCC&StL, also known as The Big Four). The problem lies with the fact that The Big Four bought a number …
Continue reading Kevin’s Komments 09/27/2024
Kevin’s Komments 09/16/2024
Covered Hoppers & Moving Grain I believe we’ve had discussions at the club about covered hoppers and when grain began being shipped by covered hoppers. The Cincinnati Northern passed through western Ohio, a strong agricultural region. About every town had a small elevator that the local farmers could bring their grain to ship off to …
Continue reading Kevin’s Komments 09/16/2024
Kevin’s Comments 08/01/2024
Interesting RR photos George Stephenson is generally credited with the invention of the first usable steam locomotive. His locomotive “Blucher” (shown in sketch) was completed and tested on the Collingwood Railway on July 25, 1814. The track was an uphill trek of four hundred and fifty feet. Stephenson’s engine hauled eight loaded coal wagons weighing …
Continue reading Kevin’s Comments 08/01/2024
Kevin’s Komments 05/24/2024
Headlamps and other Details I’ve been working on the Cincinnati Northern locomotive roster for a while now. I’ve started looking closely at details on the locos (possible modeling project??). One of the early steamers that has caught my attention is CN #110, an American (4-4-0) built by Brooks (builder # 974) in 1883. CN #110 …
Continue reading Kevin’s Komments 05/24/2024
Kevin’s comments for April 19, 2024
Prototypes that I love but should really never model!
Kevin’s Komments 03/12/2024
I did a study on streamlined locos a few years ago. But a series of colorized photos has caught my eye recently. So…Here’s a review of streamliners—most photos are in color or colorized!
Kevin’s Komments 01/17/2024
19th Century Locomotive Builder Renditions & Ads With the ongoing research into the Cincinnati Northern locomotive roster, I’ve checked builder photos and renditions for a number of locos. With these checks, some of the pic collection websites have decided one of my preferences is of builder photos and renditions (imagine that!). So…I finally decided to …
Continue reading Kevin’s Komments 01/17/2024
Kevin’s Komments 12/26/2023
Christmas on the railroads It’s been a while since I’ve put together a collection of pics. Work and outside activities seem to have wrangled away my spare time. But, the holidays bring in the Christmas spirit. And, I’ve been doing one of these yearly for about four years now… This pic got me started: The …
Continue reading Kevin’s Komments 12/26/2023
Kevin’s Komments 11/01/2023
When talking about railroad crossings, two types come to mind:
Kevin’s Komments 09/28/2023
Back in my early days of model railroading, logging railroads caught my attention.
Kevin’s Komments 08/25/2023
In several of recent studies, I’ve run into the Brooks Locomotive Works, or the 20th century version, ALCO-Brooks.
Kevin’s Komment 07/27/2023
Of the three main geared steamers – Shays, Climaxes, and Heislers, the Heislers were probably the most efficient.
Kevin’s Komments 07/07/2023
Ballast Sorry about the four week interlude since the last set of pics – this was a tough research project The club has been moving forward with our new project: Building some experimental modules for the “next” Cincinnati Northern model railroad layout. As we approach a date where track will be laid on a few …
Continue reading Kevin’s Komments 07/07/2023
Kevin’s Komment’s 06/02/2023
Alaska Railroad RF-1 It seems that one of the topics that creep up during discussions about RS-1s is, “Which end is the front end?” Urban legend has that the RS-1 was first produced when steam was king of the rails (1941). Hence, to match the steam locos, the long hood was the front end. And, …
Continue reading Kevin’s Komment’s 06/02/2023
Kevin’s Komments 05/25/23
George is a Southern fan, hence I decided to take a look at some Southern equipment.
Kevin’s Komments 04/28/23
Climaxes A little over a year ago, we took a look at geared steam locomotives, specifically the Shays. I promised that we would return to the topic. (It’s been over a year(??)!) While I have a soft spot for all geared steamers and have a few nice operable HO Shays and Heislers, I have a …
Continue reading Kevin’s Komments 04/28/23
Kevin’s Komments 04/10/23
By the early ‘30s, the line was run by Mikados and Consolidations with just a few Ten-Wheelers hanging on.
Kevin’s Komments 03/10/23
SIRT could be considered the oldest continually operated “subway” system in New York
Kevin’s Komments 02/24/2023
Ross Winans – Camels A while back, we reviewed camelback locos and distinguished the difference between a camelback and a camel locomotive. Camels were early steamers designed by the B&O in the early to mid 19th century, while camelbacks were late 19th century steamers designed around wide Wooten style fireboxes which burned the dregs of …
Continue reading Kevin’s Komments 02/24/2023
Kevin’s Komments 02/08/2023
Scenes that won’t be seen on the Cincinnati Northern!
Kevin’s Komments
The Cincinnati Northern Locomotive Roster: Ten-wheelers, Moguls, & Consolidations On the first study of the CNor roster, we identified 11 Americans (4-4-0s) that worked on CNor track. Ten of the Americans were acquired when the CNor was founded from the acquisition of the Cincinnati, Jackson & Mackinaw track south of Jackson. The eleventh was the …
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Kevin’s Komments 01/10/2023
The Cincinnati Northern Locomotive Roster – Early Americans (4-4-0) on the CNor I’ve been working on the CNor roster for a while now. The roster during the early period – prior to the CNor’s existence, and during the time the CNor was independent, was relatively easy to pull together. When the New York Central bought …
Continue reading Kevin’s Komments 01/10/2023
Kevin’s Komments 10/25/2022
I’ve been itching to do another trackwork study. I popped up this first pic, and trackwork drifted into abandoned trackwork! The caption on this pic talks about a century old RR trestle being found in Colorado. The bridge was “lost” after it was buried by an embankment. Those of us with a little understanding of …
Continue reading Kevin’s Komments 10/25/2022
Kevin’s Komments 09/24/2022
Another of the layouts I really enjoyed at the NMRA convention tours was Paul Fries’ Chicago & North Western, East Iowa Subdivision. Paul’s layout represented the expanses and long runs between towns with a really great potential for exciting operating sessions. So with Paul’s layout in mind, and hopefully providing Dave with some interesting pics, …
Continue reading Kevin’s Komments 09/24/2022
Kevin’s Komments 08/31/22
Jeff Kuebler’s rendition of the Louisville & Nashville, Eastern KY Division & Cincinnati to Corbin Division
Kevin’s Komments 07/27/2022
I’m still stuck on the locomotive shops that built and maintained the steam locomotives. I believe this is a large milling machine. The site is the Baldwin Locomotive Works in Eddystone, PA, 1937. When I zoomed in on the item(s) being milled, it appears to be the chassis framing that holds the driver bearings – …
Continue reading Kevin’s Komments 07/27/2022
Kevin’s Komments 07/08/2022
Locomotives and Shops: We’ve looked at shops and talked about the PRR shops in Altoona. Here is the wheel mounting machine at the Altoona shops. The guy in the suit between the drivers is measuring inside of flange to inside of flange. (I think they need a giant NWSL wheel puller and quartered along with …
Continue reading Kevin’s Komments 07/08/2022
Kevin’s Komments 06/10/2022
I had been doing some more research on towns along the Cincinnati Northern, but got distracted by a series of pics on the Pennsylvania and PRR shops. This first pic got me started. PRR #2644, a class H 2-8-0, along with the shop crew, pose for a photograph on the turntable at the Renovo shops, …
Continue reading Kevin’s Komments 06/10/2022
Kevin’s Komments 05/20/2022
Unloading lumber and a number of other topics! I saw this photo on Pinterest and it caught my attention for a number of reasons. The Milwaukee Road built a little over 3,000 of horizontal ribbed boxcars between 1939 and 1940. These cars were unique in that the horizontal panels ran continuous to the door opening …
Continue reading Kevin’s Komments 05/20/2022
Kevin’s Komments 05/09/2022
The club picked up some hoppers (from Accurail, thanks to George) with the Cincinnati Northern markings along with the NYC logo. Which brings us back to looking at prototype cars… The hoppers George picked up match hoppers built the first half of the 20th century. From what I saw, they replicate the prototype hopper and …
Continue reading Kevin’s Komments 05/09/2022
Kevin’s Komments 04/22/2022
I’m between research projects, but have picked up a lot of interesting photos the last few weeks. I couldn’t find info on most of these photos, but there’s still some pics with a story or two between the purely visual photos.
Kevin’s Komments 04/11/2022
Streamlined Steam & Lehigh Valley Locomotives The first pic got me researching the Illinois Central Green Diamond – which was initially pulled by a stylish Pullman diesel electric (first set of pics). But I detoured early on into Lehigh steam. When I went back to the streamlined locos, I stuck to mostly steam. …So it …
Continue reading Kevin’s Komments 04/11/2022
Kevin’s Komments 03/25/2022
The B&O in Cincinnati An old friend of mine that passed away a little less than 20 years ago was Walter Edgecomb. Walt was a founding member of the Winton & Waycross Model RR Club which merged into the Cincinnati Northern Model RR Club around the mid ‘80s. I met him in 1988 when I …
Continue reading Kevin’s Komments 03/25/2022
Kevin’s Komments 03/11/2022
Ohio City & Van Wert I had mentioned a couple projects ago that the club has been considering towns to include in the next version of the Cincinnati Northern Model RR club’s layout. Ohio City is one of those towns. Ohio City is a small village roughly 7.5 miles south of Van Wert. Since Van …
Continue reading Kevin’s Komments 03/11/2022
Kevin’s Komments 02/15/2022
Unusual loads I typically don’t pick-up on unusual load pics because most of our loads on the Cincinnati Northern are related to the industries being serviced. I’m more apt to chase after loads related to a specific industry – So the research into loads begins with the research into a particular industry rather than just …
Continue reading Kevin’s Komments 02/15/2022
Kevin’s Komments 02/04/2022
Cement City, MI. In preparing for our upcoming relocation (hopefully!), members of the club have discussed possible additional towns on the Cincinnati Northern that we might include in the new layout, if given appropriate space. One of the towns that seems to have sparked some interest and is high on the list is Cement City, …
Continue reading Kevin’s Komments 02/04/2022
Kevins Komments 01/23/2022
Engine & railroad facilities. There was no caption with this pic, but I believe we’re looking at an engine facility around the early ‘50’s. I see a lot of doghouses on the tenders of the steamers. There appears to be an F unit with a radio antenna paired with another unit, and maybe an E …
Continue reading Kevins Komments 01/23/2022
Kevin’s Komments 1/6/2022
Shays, Class D A couple weeks ago, I showed a little pic collection based on Lima, OH with the Lima Locomotive Works picking up a large portion of the end of the collection. Shortly after releasing the collection, I stumbled upon a pic of a four truck Shay! – Class D. Geared steam locos have …
Continue reading Kevin’s Komments 1/6/2022
Kevin’s Komments 12/15/2021
Railroad Bridges My second topic for the holiday season is bridges. I’ve wanted to do some RR bridge research for a while – the need seems to pop up in model railroading, and you can never find what you’re looking for quickly. At the same time, there’s a prototype bridge for about every MR span …
Continue reading Kevin’s Komments 12/15/2021
Kevin’s Komments 12/10/2021
After being distracted from model railroading for a few weeks, my thoughts have drifted back. And I have about three research projects already lined up for the next few weeks! This next photo caught my attention. I’m not ready to do another exclusive roundhouse or turntable pic effort, but the location of this roundhouse put …
Continue reading Kevin’s Komments 12/10/2021
Kevin’s Komments 12/07/21
Logistics…We’re going into the holiday season this year, and the news tells us products are short in inventory, and slow in arriving. Being busy the last few weeks, and being between model RR projects, I’ve had trouble coming up with good research topics – until…I tried to order some Christmas gifts online. Logistics…When it’s going …
Continue reading Kevin’s Komments 12/07/21
Kevin’ Komments 11/15/2021
Reefers, Ice, Icing & icing platforms. On our club layout, we have a meatpacking plant located with an icing facility nearby. Back when we were designing and building the plan, Tom did some research into icing – passed it on to me, and then I did further research into icing reefers for a facility like …
Continue reading Kevin’ Komments 11/15/2021
Kevin’s Komments 11/08/2021
It’s been about 2 weeks since my past collection of pics – busy with Halloween. I decided it was time to do another collection of freight cars (in action) – preferably vintage era. I came across this classic C&O boxcar, but I can’t tell for sure whether it’s real or a model! The shadows and …
Continue reading Kevin’s Komments 11/08/2021
Kevin’s Komments 10/21/2021
Stations I stumbled upon this great pick of the station (and mine loading platform) at Ophir, Colorado. I had heard of Ophir, but knew nothing about the place. I immediately thought of Matt’s endeavors in Colorado style narrow gauge, and decided to do a little research. Matt – check out the railroad crossing sign! The …
Continue reading Kevin’s Komments 10/21/2021
Kevin’s Komments 10/15/2021
Rail Crews I’ve been wanting to do this topic for several years – railroad crews. The idea being that while the equipment is important, it was the crews that made the railroads operate. It’s a tough topic to research – it seems that you always run into good pics of crew members, but to get …
Continue reading Kevin’s Komments 10/15/2021
Kevin’s Komments 09/30/2021
We were going through a couple collections of MR models that were donated to the club on Tuesday night when a couple of us opened a box of MOW cars. Discussion ensued. We’ve discussed what MOW and non-revenue equipment would be appropriate sitting on a track or two near the roundhouse. And we pass around …
Continue reading Kevin’s Komments 09/30/2021
Kevins’ Komments 09/28/2021
Vintage Steam Time for some vintage steam loco pics (and maybe a bridge or two thrown in)! This first pic got me started. This pic of UP #75 with a head of steam got me looking at 19th century locos. In looking at how the tender is lettered – U.P.R.R. – this tells us that …
Continue reading Kevins’ Komments 09/28/2021
Kevin’s Komments 09/17/2021
Oil Burners One of the locomotive curiosities that caught my attention after my recent trip out west was the oil burning steam locos of California. Most of us steam lovers across the east and Midwest understand the firebox of coal fueled steamers. But I wasn’t exactly sure about those oil burners of the west. My …
Continue reading Kevin’s Komments 09/17/2021
Kevin’s Komments 09/10/2021
Yosemite Valley Railroad It’s been a couple weeks since my last set of pics – I was on vacation last week at Yosemite…Which introduces the subject of today! Yosemite Valley RR Co. was a short-line that operated from 1907 to 1945. The RR followed the Merced River for about 30 miles up to the edge …
Continue reading Kevin’s Komments 09/10/2021
Kevin’s Komments 08/27/2021
So…Who knows model railroading history? Who was the first manufacturer of electrically powered model trains? My normal research into historic railroad pics will take a little turn today – Let’s look at some historic model railroading! I found a little treasure right here in Cincinnati. A company named Carlisle & Finch, located on West Mitchell …
Continue reading Kevin’s Komments 08/27/2021
Kevin’s Komments 08/18/2021
Odd Looking Railroad Equipment What is that? The first image below set me on course to look at all the oddities I’ve seen in pics the last few weeks. This is former PRR GG1 #4846. Pic was taken in 1979 at the shops in Wilmington, Delaware. It has obviously been cut in half. Note below …
Continue reading Kevin’s Komments 08/18/2021
Kevin’s Komments08/06/2021
Camelbacks Camelbacks! Mother Hubbards! Way back when I was a teenager, I loved camelbacks. I dreamed of a layout with a loco roster filled with camelbacks of all shapes and sizes. Then I found out that it was impractical to have a camelback Big Boy! Dreams sometimes fall hard! The general theory was that you …
Continue reading Kevin’s Komments08/06/2021
Kevin’s Komments 07/31/2021
Yard Switchers One topic that interests me but I haven’t covered yet is the small industrial steam switchers. We’ve looked at gas switchers like the Plymouths (Dupps #1). And we’ve occasionally shown some shop switchers, and a few yard switchers. But, what about the small industrial switchers?… One thing I found in this search is …
Continue reading Kevin’s Komments 07/31/2021
Kevin’s Komments 07/22/2021
Towing and Shrouding I was putting together some photos, in which the topic was inspired by the first photo below – and last night we coincidentally mentioned the Strasburg Railroad! A second separate but equally coincidental discussion last night came up about the cylinder rods of a loco being disconnected…possibly because it was recently towed. …
Continue reading Kevin’s Komments 07/22/2021
Kevin’s Komments 07/08/2021
What happened to the billboard reefers? …by 1937, essentially all billboard reefers were gone
Kevin’s Komments 06/30/2021
The Caboose I previously said that we may have to investigate caboose trucks – Well here it is!
Kevin’s Komments 06/21/2021
A great photographer: J. Parker Lam Sometimes you find a great website: https://railphoto-art.org/ – and a great photographer: J. Parker Lamb – and you just have to spend a lunchtime analyzing the photos. We’ll start with the B&O, Dayton, 1955! This photo is interesting to me because I’ve never seen the process of emptying and …
Continue reading Kevin’s Komments 06/21/2021
Kevin’s Komments 06/05/2021
Odd Locomotives After a while of research, I always end up with a collection of unique or odd locomotives that catch my eye. Here is a collection of locomotives, sometimes historic, that just ended up in that “odd” category. Below is a replica of the B&O’s famous Tom Thumb, a 2-2-0 built in 1829. The …
Continue reading Kevin’s Komments 06/05/2021
Kevin’s Komments 05/27/2021
Historical Photos Stumbled on the Van Wert County Historic Society facebook page and found a few photos I wasn’t sure whether we had: I’m not sure if this loco had anything to do directly with the Cincinnati Northern – It looks like it came from the Cincinnati, Van Wert, & Michigan RR, a predecessor of …
Continue reading Kevin’s Komments 05/27/2021
Happy Anniversary CNMRRC
The Cincinnati Northern Model Railroad Club has its origins as the Tri-County Railroad Club with four members of the Western Hills Model Railroad Club in February 1966. The clubs first home was in the Glendale, Ohio Community House basement in April of 1966. After several years the club name was changed to The Cincinnati Northern …
Continue reading Happy Anniversary CNMRRC